Pricing Options

You can pay $US68 monthly for the Certified Course, which will take between 12 to 18 months to complete. Alternatively you can subscribe annually for US$680 (10-months' payment for 12 months' membership). For the pre-launch special, you make a one-time payment of US$680 (10 months' fee), and receive 12 months' membership instead. You will save US$136. Finally, you can pay US$3400 for 50 months' membership and receive the Lifetime Membership instead. You will have access to all the current and future Certified lessons for all the levels of Wing Chun, for the rest of your life.

Xiao Nian Tou

First Level Course (Standard)

  • 2

    Lecture-1: What is Wing Chun?

  • 3

    Lecture-2: What is Xuan Wing Chun?

  • 4

    Lecture-3: What is the Xuan Wing Chun Course Curriculum?

  • 5

    Lecture-4: What is Xiao Nian Tou?

  • 6

    Lecture-5: What is the Purpose of Xiao Nian Tou?

  • 7

    Lecture-6: Preview of Xiao Nian Tou Section-1, Part-1 & Two

  • 9

    Lesson-2A: Posture-2

    • Quiz Review on Lesson-1: Posture-1

    • Lesson-2A: Posture-2

    • Quiz on Lesson-2A

  • 10

    Lesson-2B Posture-2

    • Quiz Review on Lesson-2A

    • Lesson-2B Posture-2

    • Quiz on Lesson-2B

  • 11

    Lesson-2C: Posture-2

    • Quiz Review on Lesson-2B

    • Lesson-2C: Posture-2

    • Quiz on Lesson-2C: Posture-2

  • 12

    Lesson-2C cont: Posture-2

    • Review on Lesson-2C: Posture-2

    • Lesson-2C cont: Posture-2

    • Quiz on Lesson-2C cont: Posture-2

  • 13

    Lesson-3A Posture-3

    • Quiz Review on Lesson-2C cont: Posture-2

    • Lesson-3A Posture-3

    • Quiz on Lesson-3A: Posture-3

  • 14

    Lesson-3B Posture-3

    • Quiz Review on Lesson-3A: Posture-3

    • Lesson-3B Posture-3

    • Quiz on Lesson-3B Posture-3

    • Peekaboo: Fist-Formation

  • 15

    Lesson-3C Posture-3

    • Quiz Review on Lesson-3B Posture-3

    • Lesson-3C Posture-3

    • Quiz on Lesson-3C

  • 16

    Lesson-4A Posture-4

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-3C

    • Lesson-4A Posture-4

    • Quizz on Lesson 4A: Posture 4

  • 17

    Lesson-4B Posture-4

    • Review Quiz on Lesson 4A: Posture 4

    • Lesson-4B Posture-4

    • Quiz on Lesson-4B Posture-4

  • 18

    Lesson-4C Posture-4

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-4B Posture-4

    • Lesson-4C Posture-4

    • Quiz on Lesson-4C: Summary of Posture-4

  • 19

    Lesson-4D Posture-4

    • Review on Quiz on Lesson-4C: Summary of Posture-4

    • Lesson-4D Posture-4

    • Quiz on Lesson-4D Posture-4

  • 20

    Lesson-5 Postures 5, 6 & 7

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-4D Posture-4

    • Lesson-5 Postures 5, 6 & 7

    • Quiz on Lesson-5 Postures 5. 6 & 7

  • 21

    Lesson-6 Postures 5, 6, &7

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-5 Postures 5. 6 & 7

    • Lesson-6 Postures 5, 6 & 7

    • Quiz on Lesson-6: Postures 5, 6, & 7 Details

  • 22

    Lesson-7A Postures 5, 6, & 7

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-6: Postures 5, 6, & 7 Details

    • Lesson-7A Postures 5, 6 & 7

    • Quiz on Lesson-7A: Postures 5, 6, & 7 Revelation

  • 23

    Lesson-7B Postures 5, 6 & 7

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-7A: Postures 5, 6, & 7 Revelation

    • Lesson-7B Postures 5, 6 & 7 Resistance Tests

    • Quiz on Lesson-7B: Resistance Tests

  • 24

    Lesson-7C Postures 5, 6 & 7

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-7B: Resistance Tests

    • Lesson-7C Postures 5, 6 & 7 Summary

    • Quiz on Lesson-7C

  • 25

    Lesson-8: Postures 8 to 17 Preview

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-7C

    • Lesson-8: Postures 8 to 17 Preview

    • Quiz on Lesson-8

  • 26

    Lesson-9: Postures 8 to 17

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-8

    • Lesson-9: Postures 8 to 17 Details

    • Quiz on Lesson-9

  • 27

    Lesson-10: Postures 8 to 17

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-9

    • Lesson-10: Postures 8 to 17 Revelation

    • Quiz on Lesson-10

  • 28

    Lesson-11 Postures 8 to 17 Revelation

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-10

    • Lesson-11 Postures 8 to 17 Revelation

    • Quiz on Lesson-11:

  • 29

    Lesson-12: Posture 9

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-11:

    • Lesson-12 Postures 9 Sun Punch

    • Quiz on Lesson-12: Posture 9

  • 30

    Lesson-13: Posture-9

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-12: Posture 9

    • Lesson-13: Posture-9 Punch Drills

    • Quiz on Lesson-13

  • 31

    Lesson-14: Posture-9

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-13

    • Lesson-14: Posture-9 Punch & Clap Drills

    • Quiz on Lesson-14

  • 32

    Lesson-15: Postures 8 & 9

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-14

    • Lesson-15: Postures 8 & 9 Resistance Tests

    • Quiz on Lesson-15:

  • 33

    Lesson-16: Postures 10 & 15

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-15:

    • Lesson-16 Postures 10 & 15 Revelation

    • Quiz on Lesson-16

  • 34

    Lesson-17: Postures 12 & 17

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-16

    • Lesson-17: Postures 12 & 17 Revelation

    • Quiz on Lesson-17

  • 35

    Lesson-18: XNT S1P3 Preview

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-17

    • Lesson-18: XNT S1P3 Preview

    • Quiz on Lesson-18

  • 36

    Lesson-19: XNT S1P3 Details

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-18

    • Lesson-19: XNT S1P3 Details

    • Quiz on Lesson-19

  • 37

    Lesson-20: XNT S1P3 Revelation

    • Review on Quiz on Lesson-19

    • Lesson-20: XNT S1P3 Revelation

    • Quiz on Lesson-20

  • 38

    Lesson-21: XNT S1P3 Details

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-20

    • Lesson-21: XNT S1P3 Details

    • Lesson-21 Quiz

  • 39

    Lesson-22: XNT S1P3

    • Review Lesson-21 Quiz

    • Lesson-22: XNT S1P3 Three Cycles

    • Lesson-22 Quiz

  • 40

    Lesson-23 XNT S1P3 Analyses

    • Review Lesson-22 Quiz

    • Lesson-23 XNT S1P3 Analyses

    • Lesson-23 Quiz

  • 41

    Lesson-24: Paishou-1

    • Review Lesson-23 Quiz

    • Lesson-24: Paishou-1

    • Quiz on Lesson-24

  • 42

    Lesson-25: Paishou-2

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-24

    • Lesson-25: Paishou-2

    • Lesson-25 Quiz

  • 43

    Lesson-26: Paishou-3

    • Review Lesson-25 Quiz

    • Lesson-26: Paishou-3

    • Quiz on Lesson-26

  • 44

    Lesson-27: XNT Review

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-26

    • Lesson-27: XNT Review

    • Quiz on Lesson-27

  • 45

    Lesson-28: Two-Man Paishou

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-27

    • Lesson-28: Two-Man Paishou

    • Lesson-28 Quiz

  • 46

    Lesson-29: Single-Arm Roll

    • Review Lesson-28 Quiz

    • Lesson-29: Single-Arm Rolling Exercise

    • Quiz on Lesson-29:

  • 47

    Lesson-30: XNT Resistance Tests

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-29:

    • Lesson-30: XNT Resistance Tests

    • Quiz on Lesson-30: Xiao Nian Tou Section-1 Resistance Tests

  • 48

    Lesson-31: Solo Single-Arm Roll

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-30: Xiao Nian Tou Section-1 Resistance Tests

    • Lesson-31: Solo Single-Arm Roll

    • Quiz on Lesson-31:

  • 49

    Lesson-32: Two-Man Lushou

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-31:

    • Lesson-32: Two-Man Lushou

    • Quiz on Lesson-32: Two-Man LuShou Drill

  • 50

    Lesson-33: In & Out Lushou

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-32: Two-Man LuShou Drill

    • Lesson-33: In & Out Lushou

    • Quiz on Lesson-33

  • 51

    Lesson-34: Solo Dual-Arm Drills

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-33

    • Lesson-34: Solo Dual-Arm Drills

    • Lesson-34 Quiz: Solo Dual-Arm Drills

  • 52

    Lesson-35: XNT S1P12 Preview

    • Review Lesson-34 Quiz: Solo Dual-Arm Drills

    • Lesson-35: XNT S2P12 Preview

    • Quiz on Lesson-35

  • 53

    Lesson-36: Two-Man Dual-Arm Drills

    • Review on Lesson-35

    • Lesson-36: Two-Man Dual-Arm Drills

    • Quiz on Lesson-36: Dual-Arm Drills

  • 54

    Lesson-37: XNT S2P1&2 Tests

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-36: Dual-Arm Drills

    • Lesson-37: XNT S2P1&2 Resistance Tests

    • Quiz on Lesson-37

  • 55

    Lesson-38: XNT S2P1 & 2 Details

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-37

    • Lesson-38: XNT S2P1 & 2 Details

    • Quiz on Lesson-38

  • 56

    Lesson-39: XNT S2P1 & 2 Applications

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-38

    • Lesson-39: XNT S2P1 & 2 Applications

    • Quiz on Lesson-39

  • 57

    Lesson-40: XNT S2P3 Preview

    • Review of Quiz on Lesson-39

    • Lesson-40: XNT S2P3 Preview

    • Quiz on Lesson-40

  • 58

    Lesson-41 XNT S2P3 Tests

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-40

    • Lesson-41: XNT S2P3 Resistance Tests

    • Lesson-41-Quiz Resistance Test

  • 59

    Lesson-42: S2P3 Revelation

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-41

    • Lesson-42: S2P3 Revelation

    • Quiz on Lesson-42

  • 60

    Lesson-43: Solo Lashou Drill

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-42

    • Lesson-43: Solo Lashou Drill

    • Lesson-43 Quiz: LaShou Drill

  • 61

    Lesson-44: Two-Man Lashou Drill

    • Review Lesson-43 Quiz: LaShou Drill

    • Lesson-44: Two-Man Lashou Drill

    • Lesson-44 Quiz

  • 62

    Lesson-45: Lashou and Paishou Details

    • Review of Lesson-44 Quiz

    • Lesson-45: Lashou and Paishou Details

    • Lesson-45 Quiz

  • 63

    Lesson-46: Solo Dan ChiShou Drill

    • Review of Lesson-45 Quiz

    • Lesson-46: Solo Dan ChiShou Drill

    • Lesson-46 Quiz

  • 64

    Lesson-47: Two-Man Dan ChiShou Drill

    • Review of Lesson-46 Quiz

    • Lesson-47: Two-Man Dan ChiShou Drill

    • Lesson-47 Quiz

  • 65

    Lesson-48: Drills Review

    • Review of Lesson-47 Quiz

    • Lesson-48: Drills Review

    • Lesson-48 Quiz

  • 66

    Lesson-49A: LaShou Analyses

    • Review of Lesson-48 Quiz

    • Lesson-49A: LaShou Analyses

    • Lesson-49A Quiz

  • 67

    Lesson-49B: LaShou Analyses

    • Review of Lesson-49A Quiz

    • Lesson-49B: LaShou Analyses

    • Lesson-49B Quiz

  • 68

    Lesson-50: XNT S3P1&2 Preview

    • Review of Lesson-49B Quiz

    • Lesson-50: XNT S3P1&2 Preview

    • Lesson-50 Quiz

  • 69

    Lesson-51: XNT S3P1&2 Details

    • Review of Lesson-50 Quiz

    • Lesson-51: XNT S3P1&2 Details

    • Quiz on Lesson-51

  • 70

    Lesson-52: XNT S3P1 & 2 Revelation

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-51

    • Lesson-52: XNT S3P1 & 2 Revelation

    • Lesson-52 Quiz

  • 71

    Lesson-53 XNT S3P1&2 Analyses

    • Review of Lesson-52 Quiz

    • Lesson-53: XNT S3P1 & 2 Analyses

    • Lesson-53 Quiz

  • 72

    Lesson-54: XNT S3P3 & 4 Preview 4K

    • Review of Lesson-53 Quiz

    • Lesson-54: XNT S3P3 & 4 Preview 4K

    • Lesson-54 Quiz

  • 73

    Lesson-55: XNT S3P3 & 4 Numbers and Names

    • Review of Lesson-54 Quiz

    • Lesson-55: XNT S3P3 & 4 Numbers and Names

    • Lesson-55 Quiz

  • 74

    Lesson-56: XNT S3P3 & 4 Revelation

    • Review of Lesson-55 Quiz

    • Lesson-56: XNT S3P3 & 4 Revelation

    • Lesson-56 Quiz

  • 75

    Lesson-57: XNT S3P3 & 4 Tests

    • Review of Lesson-56 Quiz

    • Lesson-57 XNT S3P3&4 Resistance Tests

    • Quiz on Lesson-57

  • 76

    Lesson-58: Xiao Nian Tou Review

    • Review Quiz on Lesson-57

    • Lesson-58: Xiao Nian Tou Review

  • 77

    Lesson-59: Full Xiao Nian Tou Demonstration

    • Lesson-59: Full Xiao Nian Tou Demonstration

  • 78

    Lesson-60: 1-Hour Xiao Nian Tou Demonstration

    • Lesson-60: 1-Hour Xiao Nian Tou Demonstration

    • XNT Lesson-60A: Slow XNT in Full-Length

    • XNT Lesson-60B: Slow XNT Waist-Length

    • XNT Lesson-60C: Slow XNT All Angles